Census Lists and Graphs
The census records took two main forms between 1820 and 1870. The first form, used between 1820 and 1840, primarily recorded the head of house and the number of individuals within the home based on specific age ranges.
Beginning in 1850, the census records started asking for the names of all residents, age, sex, race, occupation, value of real estate, value of personal estate, occupation, and in some cases level of education.
Below are a series of graphs displaying:
Each municipality’s demographics between 1820 & 1870
The black population’s growth in Ithaca between 1830 & 1870
The birthplaces of black residents across Tompkins County between 1850 & 1870
Black occupations across Tompkins County between 1850 & 1870
Note: The Y-axis (vertical) of each graph on this page uses a logarithmic scale.
To access the census lists that provided that data for these graphs, please navigate to the Census page.
Above: 1850 census of Ithaca, showing the families of Henry Johnson and John Shaw. Image sourced from Ancestry.com.
Demographics by Municipality
Ithaca’s Black Population Growth
Black Birthplaces